week in review

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 spring beauty
 tea treat with school presentation
 pink blooms
 church at sunset in west virginia
week in review
taught 3 yoga classes
took 2 yoga classes
20 hours at social work internship
1 MSW class
unveiled the tranquility tour website
spent evening at emergency vet
 co-taught business of yoga workshop
biked to JBM and cloud cult concert
got a pink mani
hours of deep cleaning chez moi
commuted back and forth from west virginia
assisted with + supported annual lunafest event
read great inc. article on 8 things you should not do every day
 read more of stephen king’s memoir on writing and the now effect
hosted a webinar on mindful communication at amtrak
finalized new blog design for tranquility du jour
attached chamomile tea bags to my ethics + spirituality presentation
studio director meeting
hired new studio director
finalized veg pledge challenge at tranquil space for veg week
 lots of snuggles with le chat noir
weekend wish list
 host inspiring art + yoga retreat
connect with and serve retreaters
art journal
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x