week in review

love notes
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 pale pink spring style
read a real paperbound book
 crafting on train en route to wellness fair
 le chat noir soaking up sunshine
pretty spring flowers
week in review
took 4 yoga classes
taught 3 yoga classes
savored a deep tissue massage to keep working out shoulder knot
train to and from nyc
train to and from wilmington, deleware
helped host employee wellness fair in deleware + taught chair yoga
thrift shopping in nyc
took a memoir and non-fiction class at gotham writers’ workshop
yoga + vegan dining at jivamukti
birdhouse walk
interviewed marc lesser for upcoming podcast
met with new studio gardener
studio director interviews
accountability check-in with pal britt bravo
2 MSW classes
hosted mentoring session
numerous soaks in the tub + naps on the train
prepped + presented on spirituality + ethics for MSW class  
weekend wish list
host inspiring biz of yoga session
host inspiring mentoring session
savor live music at the black cat with pals
sub inspiring yoga 2
practice yoga
bike to tidal basin to see cherry blossoms
ooh la la, release podcast with BIG announcement
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x