week in review

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 loving the daffodils
 penning month’s dreams
 embroidered onesie
 bloom, baby, bloom
workspace at starbucks
 easter brunch tea
parisian skirt + 2in1 fitted TranquiliT ensemble
week in review
took 2 yoga classes + 1 yoga workshop
taught 3 yoga classes
20 hours at social work internship
2 MSW classes
2 intense deep tissue massages to try to work out shoulder tweaks
savored easter brunch with le beau
hosted a mentoring session
requested feedback on new TranquiliT print
biked 13 miles
meeting with carol
fell in love with these patterns by burda style
soaked in the tub to help with achy body
time with journal
taught yoga + savored connections at teacher retreat
penned + mailed heaps of thank you notes
 check-in call with mindfulness teacher
pop up shop prep
penned april dreams
weekend wish list
set up, host + take down inspiring sustainable pop up shop
sub yoga class
take yoga
art journal 
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list? 
bisous. x