week in review

love notes
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image courtesy of glitter guide
week in review
 taught 2 yoga classes 
co-taught 1 yoga class for charity
dined at everlasting life cafe with marie + missy = yum!
hosted 3-hour art journal workshop
hosted 3-hour living your yoga session
hosted 2-hour creativity circle session
16 hours of social work internship
took 1 yoga class
1 gym jaunt
biked 6 miles 
3 MSW classes
savored 3-hour mindfulness workshop
loved zoe weil’s one woman show
interviewed zoe weil for tranquility du jour podcast
meeting with boutique manager over pasta + chocolate cake
heaps of calls with vet + prescription
le beau stated, “so i’ll have 3 creatures and 1 radioactive. . . ” – full story coming
 TranquiliT shipping + restocking
registered for final MSW semester
downed heaps of emergenC + advil
oodles of sniffles, coughs, and sneezes
 rearranged schedule to take nyc workshop with julia cameron 12/8
shipped goodies to friends
more work on exciting project to announce next week (fingers crossed)
dinner date with girlfriend
heaps of hot baths
watched late night election results roll in
weekend wish list
art journal
finish project to announce
savor space at le beau’s cabin
read + write fireside
prepare to dash to india next week
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x