week in review

love notes
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 le pug in blue camo
 post lunch with childhood friend in chicago
ah, return trip home
week in review
taught 4 hours of yoga + business workshop
released podcast on working with farm animals
18-hour train trip to chicago
penned train trip to chicago
5-day delay in chicago
18-hour return trip to dc
facial with kristin at pelle sana salon
savored vegan brunch at karyn’s
face time with le beau to see le pug
yummy indian cuisine with sallie ann
took 1 yoga class
taught 1 yoga class
1 gym jaunt
heaps of writing at argo tea
journal writing + tea sipping at the art institute of chicago
shadowed amtrak crew on trains
vino at the pump room + andy’s jazz
full moon goddess gathering at bodhi spiritual center
picked up gifts at the ruby room
savored impressionism at the art institute of chicago
ate too much “crack”corn at garrett’s
enjoyed a deep tissue massage
coordinated charity classes to raise money for hsus + salvation army
penned, recorded + released november’s tranquilologie issue
heaps of edits to new project (hope to announce next week!)
heaps of rescheduling
lunch with a childhood friend
reviewed new website
weekend wish list
 mindfulness training
writing e-course review
time with girlfriend
bike ride or stroll through city
hot baths
warm fires with family
host inspiring 3-hour art journaling workshop
support farm sanctuary’s compassionate communities campaign
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x