week in review

love notes
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 morning bike lane back up
new smartie pant glasses
 fall leaves + aubergine tights
masking tape gift for creativity circle
fall leaves + pink tights
week in review
taught 3 yoga classes
1 gym jaunt
rolled washi tape around spools
led creativity circle week 4
20 hours amtrak internship
1 yoga class
4 hours MSW classes
interview jenny brown of woodstock animal sanctuary
prep for yarn bombing project
mentoring session
posted meatless monday recipe: pumpkin scones
set up, hosted, and took down sustainable pop up shop
teary presentation at team retreat
eye doctor appointment
holistic vet appointment for bonnard
date night with le beau = dinner, bike ride + argo
final grief counseling appointment (she’s moving, sigh)
commuted 12 miles to internship via bike
weekend wish list
host inspiring 4 hour biz of yoga workshop
safe train trip to and from chicago
learn heaps about long haul train travel
release inspiring podcast with jenny brown
pen november tranquilologie
read + look out train windows for hours 
fun few hours of chicago exploration
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x