week in review

love notes
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week in review
taught 3 yoga classes
rode bike to work 
1 gym jaunt
25 hours of greenfestival 
2 presentations at greenfestival
heaps of art journal toolkit prep (ships tuesday)
20 hours at internship
4 hours of MSW classes
picked up healthy snacks for MSW class (local honeycrisp apples, almonds, 12-grain crackers)
finalized, recorded, and released october’s tranquilologie issue
shared things i love
began humane education course: a better world, a meaningful life
greenfestival order placing with seamstress
drink date with girlfriend
heart echo + doctor appointments 
wrote MSW strengths-based assessment
shipped book + CD orders
to bed by 7pm on wednesday night = pooped
vet appointment for fabulous felines
penned thoughts in journal
morning yoga practices
weekend wish list
safe travels to + from atlanta for mary catherine’s wedding
pack up art journal toolkits with love
inspiring call with britt bravo
release TranquiliT fall lookbook
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list? 
bisous. x