Week in Review {Links + Pics}

love notes
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Week in Review

In a few hours Tim and I will be hopping on a 19-hour train en route to Florida.

Fellow Oklahoman (we stick together) and country music icon Garth Brooks is playing this weekend in Sunrise, Florida and we jumped on the tickets last fall. Little did we know he’d be coming to Baltimore the following two weekends.

So, yes, we have tickets to those too. I get to see him three weeks in a row! Poor Tim.

This week the remaining orders of 52 Weeks of Tranquility Journal shipped (yay and BIG thanks for your support of this project), I worked with beautiful clients at The Women’s Center, released podcast #361, was interviewed on Victoria Moran’s podcast, taught mindfulness, released a Love Note (now bi-weekly), met with our amazing new Studio Director, got a mani, secured travel for a writing retreat with Natalie Goldberg, read more of Pen on Fire and Broken Open, and created space to write, soak in the tub, and sip green juices.

I began to feel a sense of settling into the new year. A bit more routine post-hollydaze, a few nice schedule shake ups, and more breathing room. I’m hopeful about 2016.

Earlier this week I shared my 2016 dreams. Setting aside time to crystallize them was therapeutic and I found it insightful that many are ideas on how I want to live, not something that I want to achieve per se.

Have you had a moment to reflect on how you want to show up this year? Have you chosen your word or theme? What is wanting attention right now? Share below or in our Facebook group.

Wishing you a weekend filled with moments to breathe deeply and love fully. x

Week in Pics

  1. Masala chai tea time
  2. Pretty rose blooms
  3. Kisses from Mookie

Savvy Sources

My Interview on Victoria Moran’s Main Street Vegan Podcast
9 Ways to Make Meditation a Daily Habit
Dian Fossey’s Work with Gorillas {Love me some Gorillas In the Mist}
Austin Kleon on Keeping a Logbook
9 Best Books for Meaningful Change
Dani Shapiro on The Friend That Got Away
How to Use the Power of Silence to Improve Just About EverythingCreating a Vision Board
Ways Writers Can Get Inspired for the New Year
Artists Evolve: The Dangers of Creatively Typecasting Yourself
Drink Champagne Every Day Could Help Prevent Dementia and Alzheimers

Weekend Wish List

Safe travel to and from Sunrise, Florida
Savor 4th show with GARTH BROOKS (um, did I mention I’m a fan?!)
Leisurely reading and writing
Walk on the beach
Dine at this veg bistro: Darbster