week in review: paris, dc, portland

love notes
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 writing on loo wall in portland
 moi + le beau hitting the streets
 a fave section of powell’s = creativity
 love this ad = learn to drink french fluently
week in review
taught 3 yoga classes
took 3 yoga classes
1 gym jaunt
flew from paris to dc to portland
tranquil space director meetings
tranquil space boutique fancying
mentoring session
celebrated birthday in paris
snapped outfit shots
savored heaps of green juices
enjoyed invigorating wheat grass shot
kitty and le pug cuddles
practiced being fully present
chez moi paperwork and loo product decluttering
lovely birthday lunch
strolled through parisian market
lovely evening + catch up with dear friend in portland
much-needed mani/pedi
heaps o’ paperwork review from time away
kimberlywilson.com redesign feedback
shipped TranquiliT
TranquiliT bookkeeping
tranquility summer camp prep (2 spots left)
powell’s bookstore browsing
meeting with bookkeeper
blog yard sale idea generation
received copy of tranquilista in chinese
decadent bath time
weekend wish list
 savor world domination summit
enjoy portland’s lovely weather + vibe
release inspiring podcast featuring mary catherine starr 
ponder big dreams
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list? bisous. x