Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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I’m sitting in front of the computer with a pot of Tranquility Tea, purring cat on my lap, and sleeping dog to my right. There are a few hours before I head to my volunteer shift at Hospice, so I’m carefully contemplating the best use of time with competing priorities. So, of course, I decided to pen my Week in Review!

This week was filled with teaching, seeing clients, releasing Tranquility Tea, sharing an online Gift Guide of various useful/consumable Tranquility du Jour offerings, cleaning out my studio office, interviewing new studio management candidates, finishing Safekeeping by Abigail Thomas (recommended by my writing teacher), and practicing yoga.

19 days remain in 2015, three weeks in the 52 Weeks of Tranquility program, and less than two weeks until we pack up and head into the woods for a few days of rest over the hollydaze.

Our  tradition is as follows: teach yoga on Christmas eve, head to Tim’s cabin in West Virginia, take in a movie and Chinese on Christmas Day, roll out the sofa bed in front of a never-ending fire, stay on said sofa bed reading, watching documentaries, and napping. Rinse and repeat for a few days. A rejuvenating reset button.

What are your holiday traditions? May they refill your most-deserving soul. x

A Peek into This Week

  1. Blooming tea by the fire
  2. TranquiliT shoot: Carol + Kim in their long sleeve full skirt wrap dresses
  3. Tranquility Tea
  4. Yummy green smoothie

Savvy Sources

The Daily Routines of Great Writers
Do Not Despise Your Inner World
How to Survive {+ Thrive} During the Holidays
Pig Jumps from Truck on Its Way to Slaughterhouse {happy ending!}
Leonard Cohen on Creativity
Joan Didion on Grief
The Perfect Daily Routine
8 Meaningful Gifts to Support a Simple Life

Weekend Wish List

Host a festive Tranquil Space team holiday party
Serve at Hospice
Savor time with girlfriend over brunch and Gay Men’s Chorus performance
Package items to ship
Prep team gifts
Plant daffodil bulbs

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x