Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Week in Review

Hello from the foggy woods of West Virginia. We headed out of DC late last night to handle a few things at Tim’s cabin and take down his Christmas tree (here’s how not to be sad when doing it). Although I haven’t moved from bed, so it looks like it may be a mini Bed Day.

The first full week in 2016 was filled with adventure and action, hence my mini spontaneous retreat today. Tim and I gallivanted around downtown Manhattan for four days with friends from Montreal—lots of yoga, bookstores, vegan cafes, sweet treats, lively conversation, many cups of tea, vintage shops. I came home with two new books: Pen on Fire and Good Prose. Reading, writing, and watching the passing landscape on the train ride up and back from New York City was a highlight.

Upon return to DC, I headed straight to Tranquil Space to teach my Monday Mindfulness class and the rest of the week flowed as usual—clients at The Women’s Center, meetings, veg chili, and green juices. Thursday began by treating my team of studio directors to brunch at Founding Farmers and ended by hosting the live New Year, New You Seasonal Podcast and announcing the new Virtual Retreat. Oh, and holding the new 52 Weeks of Tranquility Journals in my hand!

Friday I interviewed Gene Baur of Farm Sanctuary for an upcoming Tranquility du Jour podcast (you’ll LOVE him), met with my writing coach, signed and shipped books complete with hand-packed goodies (hello scented tea light, lavender tea, postcard, and gold paperclip), and had meetings at the studio.

It was a lovely launch into 2016 despite mourning that the holidays passed much too quickly (anyone else?). I never got fully into the holiday spirit and then they were over. My intention is to give myself space to consciously create 2016 dreams and I’ll be sharing them here, in Love Notes, and on the podcast shortly. Since studies show we’re more apt to make dreams reality when we write them *and* share them, I like to do all I can to set myself up for success to bring  them to life.

Wishing you a restful weekend surrounded by your favorite things.

Week in Pics

  1. The first batch of 52 Weeks of Tranquility Journals arrived (+ shipped yesterday)
  2. A moment in the Union Square Whole Foods cafe
  3. Vegan strawberry shortcake and fresh ginger tea at Peacefood Cafe
  4. A moment in the Union Square Barnes + Noble cafe
  5. Pre-Thursday night’s Seasonal Podcast with Jackson the cat

Savvy Sources

Author Donald Miller’s Start Life Over PDF
7 Secrets of People Who Keep Their New Year’s Resolutions
Come From Kindness and Watch Your World Change
Expert Advice On Starting The New Year Right
5 Myths About Our Habits
Animals of Farm Sanctuary
2016 Style Trends
How To Roast Any Vegetable

Weekend Wish List

Soak in the tub
Celebrate a friend’s book completion
Create 2016 dreams

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x