week in review: spring break

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 sweetest TranquiliT model ever
 le chat noir licking lips post-discovering our stash of garrett’s popcorn
 girly vintage dresses spotted at era in montreal
 love me some stripes
 le pug coined an angel by his beloved pet sitter
final pic before dashing to train station (jenn + levi + le beau)

week in review
took 2 yoga classes
taught 1 yoga class
2 gym jaunts
1 18-hour train ride from montreal to dc
taught 5 hours of teacher training at centre luna in montreal
lunch with an online friend
tea date with guest teacher
lots of laughs with montreal pals
researched lodging on air b and b for upcoming travel
2.5 hour mindfulness-based stress reduction class
sparkly soak in the tub with a glittery lush bath bomb
penned busy thoughts into journal
read lots of blogging tips from gala darling
requested heaps of graphic design projects
explored refinancing chez moi
savored a reflexology treatment
gathered + posted things i love
squeezed myself into jeans from 2003 (ouch)
weekend wish list
host inspiring biz of yoga + art journal workshops at tranquil space
learn lots at mind/body 3-hr workshop
design cute window display with boutique manager
podcast interview with denise, author of rock the world rehab
write, edit, write, edit
online class work for EAP (employee assistance program) certificate
pen living yoga post 
heaps of reflection interspersed 
savor yoga
gym jaunt
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x