Week in Review

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Week in Review

While browsing through a magazine last night, I came across this Keats quote: “Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather, and a little music played out of doors by somebody I do not know.” Does it resonate? Life’s joys are wrapped up in the simplest of pleasures.

During this morning’s walk with Mookie, I stopped to snap the white blooms featured above. DC’s trees and gardens are beginning to come alive with colorful blossoms. I sense a similar thing happening with people. Spirits seem lighter, almost happier, and I don’t think it’s just the open-toed shoes.

The past two weeks have been filled with seeing clients, hosting an all-day Virtual Retreat, participating in meetings, taking classes, teaching, signing up for a retreat with Christine Mason Miller, signing up for a 2-day social work licensure prep course, hiring and working with a dog behaviorist, going to the ballet, and teaching.

This weekend we’re off to Raleigh, North Carolina to see two Garth Brooks shows. Initially we had tickets for one night and I was like, “Hey, we’re already there, let’s stay Sunday, too!” Much to his chagrin, Tim obliged. Yes, it’s concert #7 and #8. #9 is Vegas around my birthday! Insert confetti toss.

I’m looking forward to brunch at a museum cafe,  singing loudly at two concerts, making time to finish two books: Always Too Much and Never Enough (podcast interview forthcoming) and The Art of Slow Writing, and ample time to gaze out the car window and daydream.

As your week draws to a close and you prepare for the weekend, I encourage you to consider the Keats quote. What would you like to be given to truly appreciate the sacred moment in front of you? Bisous. x

Week in Pics

  1. Sunday night planning
  2. Pretty spring blooms
  3. Virtual Retreat set up
  4. Week 9 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility: Snail mail
  5. New copy of Lucia arrived

Savvy Sources

10 Habits of Highly Effective Writers
Drinking Champagne Every Day Could Help Prevent Dementia
How People Size You Up in Seconds
33 Life-Changing Books
Confessions of a Failed Self-Help Guru
5 Museum Cafes: The Paris List
Getting Out of a Creative Rut
How Veganism Became an Integral Part of My Feminism7 Ways to Inspire Truly Great Ideas
Meet is Murder {meetings}
4 Tips for a Digital Detox

Weekend Wish List

Host inspiring week 3 of mindfulness-based stress reduction
Safe travels to and from North Carolina
Savor TWO Garth Brooks concerts
Fun brunch at Nasher museum cafe with old friend
Yummy dinner in Raleigh with a dear couple
Finish reading a few books
Bask in yin yoga before hitting the road