Week in Review

love notes
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Week in Review

On Saturday I biked in the rain to a daylong on mindful habits at the Smithsonian. Maneuvering the city on wheels wearing a clear plastic cape makes for an interesting opportunity to observe one’s habits.

Sunday I started the day camped out at Starbucks with Mookie where he had his very own seat, stuffed pig, and bone to keep him company. Staying joined at the hip we also enjoyed a picnic at Dupont Circle near the fountain where I read. What a delight to have an entire day without any place to be at any particular time.

This week I spent in meetings, with clients, writing, and teaching. Tonight I hop on Amtrak to spend two days in a social work licensing training in Pennsylvania. I look forward to daydreaming out the window the entire way.

Wishing you a weekend filled with daydreams, respite, and peonies. Bisous. x

Week in Pics

  1. Picnic at Dupont Circle
  2. Creative time in the garden
  3. Mookie’s own seat at Starbucks
  4. Writing
  5. Peonies
  6. Another peony pic {snatched the last bouquet at Whole Foods}

Savvy Sources

Secret Formula for Resilience
NPR Notes on Prince
Stop Pressuring Women To Be Moms
George Orwell On How To Make the Perfect Cuppa Tea
How We Find Ourselves By Getting Lost
Taking Notes by Hand
Befriending Change and the Fear of the Unknown
5 Things No One Tells You About Living Alone
How Solitude Enriches Creative Work11 Off-the-Shoulder Looks

Weekend Wish List

Safe travels to and from Chester, PA
Learn lots at licensing prep classes
Prep for next week’s travel to Santa Fe