Week in Review

love notes
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Week in Review

Taught 2 hours of Advanced Teacher Training
Hosted a mentoring session
Endured 2 gym jaunts
Spent 5 hours at the vet with our neurologist and oncologists
Survived hearing that we only have a few months left with Le Pug
Concocted road trip to Florida beach next weekend for Le Pug
Savored Washington Humane Society’s Sugar and Champagne event with Le Pug
Woke up to missing {aka stolen} pink bike
Purchased new wheels {see above} and more locks
Saw 17 beautiful clients at The Women’s Center
Interviewed 4 amazing women for the podcast
Consumed an enormous amount of comfort food {aka sugar}
Released a podcast featuring Bernie Siegel
Spent lots of time sulking in bed over Le Pug
Penned Week 5 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility
Penned February Muse for Tranquil Space
Hosted Tranquility du Jour logo contest {thanks for your votes}
Savored many green juices and tub soaks
Sent snail mail valentines and love notes
Watched left shark video over and over
Took a juicy and self-indulgent nap

Weekend Wish List

Announce Tranquility du Jour logo winner
Enjoy a fun tea date with girlfriend
Host 2 inspiring mentoring sessions
Host inspiring Tranquil Space Foundation board meeting
Move – yoga, barre, gym
Sit fireside with family
Soak in the tub

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wishlist? Bisous. x