Week in Review {Pics + Links}

love notes
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Week in Review

Today is Tim’s birthday so yesterday we packed up the pups and headed to the woods of West Virginia for a weekend getaway. After the homestead chaos of the past two weeks, it feels good to  be among trees, birds, and country air.  All I hear is an overhead fan, snoring pugs, and occasional chirp of a bird outside. Grateful for the quiet.

Although we head out to WV for a respite, I’m looking at three piles: books, magazines and a coloring book, study and writing materials. I always come prepared. Perhaps a bit ambitious about what work and leisurely activities can be completed in a weekend away. It must be the boy scout in me.

After months of dreaming, collaborating with my designer, and editing, the fifth edition of the Tranquility du Jour Daybook released as a pre-sale with four festive bonuses yesterday. We’ve already sold through nearly half the inventory, so I want to say a BIG thanks to everyone who has supported the project (this year or in the past). In a December 2012 post I shared how this creative baby began. Its’ evolution has been based on your feedback and even the cover was chosen by you this year. Your suggestions and encouragement are its’ raison d’être {reason for existing}. So thank you, thank you, thank you.

Summer’s coming to a close and my favorite season is around the corner—layers, hot cocoa, apples, fires, scarves, tall boots, tights, pumpkins. Fall signifies time for reflection. A slowing down and shedding. Also a winding down of 2016. On September 22 I’m  hosting the last Tranquility du Jour Live of the year and will be sharing ideas for making the most of this special season. I hope you can join!

This week I collaborated with clients, had a session with my writing teacher, sipped wine overlooking a vineyard, hiked along the C&O at sunset, practiced yoga, launched the Daybook pre-sale, released a podcast on clearing emotional clutter, finished my second read of Old Friend from Far Away, did some writing, used the Unstuck app to find my type, sent a Love Note, and ate lots of bomb pops (don’t judge—heh).

Wishing you a joyful weekend infused with simple pleasures, laughter, and space to dream. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. New Daybook launched yesterday
  2. Belle joining my morning practice
  3. Pups after a brief hike on the C&O trail
  4. Dog-friendly Barrel Oak winery
  5. Sipping wine at Barrel Oak winery
  6. Writing date between clients
  7. On the mat

Savvy Sources

18 Must-Read Non-Fiction Books
Inside Oh-She-Glows Vegan Pantry
Jennifer Eagan on Writing
How to Meditate
Write Your Way Out Of an Emotional Funk
Stop Giving Your Power Away to Others
A 6-Day Writing E-course
Unstuck Website and App
Study Says Making Art Reduces Stress

Weekend Wish List

Celebrate Tim’s birthday
Finish a book
Study for licensing exam
Walk in the woods
Watch documentaries


