Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Week in Review

While no two weeks are every the same, this one has been particularly fraught with highs and lows.

Wednesday morning a truck carrying pigs to slaughter in Canada overturned. As soon as I heard, I reached out to Happily Ever Esther Sanctuary asking if they were close and could help.

I watched the chaotic scene unfold throughout the day. That afternoon I received a response back Happily Ever Esther to check their Facebook page for an update. Happy to see they were close and had gotten involved, I clicked and scrolled, eager to hear. The situation had turned horrific. You can read more about it online. It’s too hard for me to write about it yet.

Shocked and saddened, after learning the injured pigs’ fate, I sat down to catch my breath. Every time I think about it, all I can do is shake my head. I haven’t been quite right since. This particular plant “processes” 10,000 pigs per day. Trucks packed with farmed animals overturn en route to slaughter. Piglets fall out of transport trucks (remember cutie Wee Wee’s happy ending?). While I know this all to be true, the lack of compassion shown on Wednesday took cruelty and commodification to a new level.

This week I collaborated with clients, heard Peter Singer speak, attended parts of the Future of Food conference, taught mindfulness at the studio and in a corporate setting, practiced yoga, dined with a friend, released a podcast with Tim, interviewed Camille for a future podcast, connected with my writing teacher about the Hip Tranquil Chick 10 chapter, packaged and shipped Daybooks (30 left), wrote 17 Tranquil Space trivia pieces in honor of our 17th year, co-hosted a 5-hour mindfulness workshop, hosted doga, sent a Love Note, and penned October dreams.

Tim’s off on an overnight biking/camping extravaganza so I’m home solo with the pups. A perfect Saturday night. We’ll have dinner (hello vegan mac & cheese), wander the misty streets of DC, and settle in early. A cuppa tea, pile of books, and cozy bed is beckoning. My soul needs it. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Three new reads
  2. Daybook joy
  3. Belle eyeing my vegan pizza
  4. Jackson stuffed into a basket
  5. Mookie looking anxious
  6. October dreams penned

Savvy Sources

Why Writers Are the Worst Procrastinators
28 of Poetry’s Most Powerful Lines
Pigs Comforting Each Other After Crash
How To Be a Vegan On a Budget
The End of Solitude: Overtaken By Technology
A Writing Practice for Those Who Like to Keep Doing
11 Tips To Care For Your Muse
How Libraries Save Lives
10 Writing Tips Inspired by Jane Austen
Why Everyone Should Experience One Prolonged Period of Solitude

Weekend Wish List

Kennedy Center date with Tim
Paint pumpkins




