Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Week in Review

Today I woke up at 10:30. I haven’t slept this late in a very long time and must confess that I crawled into bed at 10:30 last night.

Yep, 12 hours of slumber is incredibly decadent and somehow felt necessary. There was a lot of energetic output this week and I like to believe the deep sleep was my body’s way of replenishing.

I seem to straddle between these two extremes in search of homeostasis.

This week included three yoga classes, teaching mindfulness, seeing clients, an all-day studio directors’ meeting, a studio directors’ brunch, tea time with two friends, bookstore browsing, seeing Wicked at the Kennedy Center, hosting Tranquility du Jour Live, conducting a podcast interview, being featured on the Just Stay Curious podcast,  packing up 23 goody bags for the studio’s teacher trainees, having lunch with colleagues from a social work internship, having a session with my writing coach, and traveling to the woods for the weekend.

May you have moments that bridge the gap between output and input this weekend. Our souls crave this. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Images from Thursday night’s #TDJLive
  2. Sunday morning reading
  3. Avocado toast at Politics & Prose Cafe
  4. Bookstore bliss

Savvy Sources

My interview on the Just Stay Curious Podcast
3 Keys to Building a Successful Writing Career
The Simple Truth Behind Reading 200 Books a Year
How Successful Women Tackle Mondays
How to Design a Life Podcast Interview with Debbie Millman
The Most Beautiful Library in Every State
The Power of Silence
11 Ways To Snap Out of Autopilot and Get Into Your Body
Manage Your Attention, Not Your Time
How to Turn Your Stress Into Excitement
Wombat the Pig Saves Self from Slaughter
How to Radically Improve Your Writing in Two Minutes
Remembering Coco Chanel
Start the Year with a Social Detox
How to Free Yourself from Your Personal Stories

Weekend Wish List

Clean up inbox
Sleep in
Do yoga
Hike in the woods
Sit fireside
Finish two books
Work on e-course updates

