Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Week in Review

I’m sitting at the Albany airport awaiting my return flight to DC. My mind is full after a week devouring writing practice tools. My body is open from yoga and whole foods. My heart is ready to return to my family.

Sweet Belle had a tumor removed this week and got through it without complication. Thank you to all who sent kind, healing thoughts our way. So very appreciated and clearly helped. Note her grey surgical body sock. It will have ribbons and tulle sewn onto it within minutes of my return home. I mean, who’s designing these things? No flair.

This week I wrote, walked Kripalu grounds, checked in often with home, met new friends and relished in hearing their work, read, slept a lot, soaked in the tub nightly, penned a pig poem, collaborated with clients via phone, sent reminders about the Hip Tranquil Chick 10-year survey (thanks for ALL your grand ideas—giveaway winners will be announced tonight), and drank one too many Moroccan mint teas.

May you know that you are a special, sacred soul. There is no one else like you. And you’re beautiful. Thank you for reading my words. I’m honored. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. My Mercy for Animals tee
  2. Kripalu’s view
  3. Reading Natalie Goldberg’s Thunder and Lightning in legs up the wall pose
  4. Writing
  5. Facetime pre-Belle’s surgery
  6. Belle in her post-surgery body sock

Savvy Sources

3 Ways To Hack Your Environment to Help You Create
Just 6 Seconds of Mindfulness Can make You More Effective
Herman Melville on Writing and His Daily Routine
Watermelon Gazpacho
Maximize Your Writing Time Like a Pro
Why You Need a Writing Retreat
Henry Beston on Happiness, Simplicity, and the Sacredness of Smallness

Weekend Wish List

Savor time with family
Savor movie + brunch with friend
Learn lots at vet class
Sew ribbon onto Belle’s surgical sock



