Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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pig mug

writing tea





morning view


Week in Review

Greetings from Lake Ontario in upstate New York. The pugs are snoring, chirping crickets can be heard through the open window, and I’m staring at this screen unable to sleep.

Possibly it’s the anticipation of being with pigs at Farm Sanctuary in a few hours? Possibly it’s the ongoing health issues? Possibly it’s perimenopause (god bless Google and my ongoing self-diagnosing)? Whatever it is, I slid out of bed and onto the floor to write for an hour or so until it passes.

This week was filled with client collaboration, time at Tim’s cabin in West Virginia, practicing yoga, teaching mindfulness, driving to NY (actually “riding” to NY sprawled out in the back seat with the pugs and pillows), editing Daybook 5.0, prepping for TranquiliT’s fall release, watching the Weiner documentary (recommend), taking Belle for her suture removal, recording another doga video, and many tiny moments in between.

It’s time to crawl back under the covers and hope the sleep fairy will come for a visit. One needs to be properly rested to pet rescued pigs, cows, and sheep. Especially piglet Cameron—I know where I’ll be lurking most of the day! I’ll be sure to share photos on Instagram so hop over today for an influx of beautiful rescued beings. Sweet dreams, dear ones. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Pig mug at sunrise
  2. Morning tea and writing
  3. Belle after a sweet treat
  4. Hammock time
  5. Belle’s new pink jersey
  6. Writing break between clients
  7. Morning view: pug, tea, embroidery
  8. Voilà, tea towel complete

Savvy Sources

An Ooh La La Reading List (shared by Emily from this year’s Penning in Paris)
Dani Shapiro on Embracing it All
Too Much Screen Time Damages The Brain
Why It Doesn’t Pay to Be a People-Pleaser
George Orwell’s 11 Golden Rules
Is Becoming a Hermit the Ultimate Feminist Statement?
Green Chile Peach Tostadas {Recipe}
The Science of Using Yoga to Heal from Trauma
The Radical Act of Creating Space {Podcast}
Tips for Decluttering From a Tiny House Dweller

Weekend Wish List

Savor time with Tim’s family in upstate NY
Safe travels to and from
Savor time at Farm Sanctuary’s Hoe Down
Take lots of pig pictures

