Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Weeks in Review

Before I shut down the computer and prepare to nest fireside for the evening, I’m writing to share a few morsels of tranquility via Savvy Sources, photos, and insights.

Last night I finished My Gentle Barn with Mookie snoring beside me. Yet another memoir I couldn’t put down and devoured in two days. And the best part? I get to add another book to my Goodreads Reading Challenge! I guess one never does outgrow longing for that gold star.

Although I’m still exploring what is percolating underneath (I mean, does one ever really know?), I’ve reflected on March experiences and penned April dreams in my Daybook. I’m open to what lies ahead. Curling up with Elle Luna’s The Crossroads of Should and Must, taking long soaks in the tub, and paying attention to physical sensations has been therapeutic.

Sitting in the unknown without my typical five-year plan feels equal parts liberating and disconcerting. I did take a step forward by securing a tour of The Pig Preserve and reaching out to the University of Tennessee’s Veterinary Social Work program. We’re off to meet up with my parents in Gatlinburg next month, so I’m hoping to plant a few seeds (and pet a few pigs) along the way.

The past two weeks included prepping and hosting Tranquility du Jour Live, volunteering, teaching, posing during a photo shoot, working with clients, cuddling with Mookie, planting pansies, finalizing TranquiliT‘s new collection, reading, interviewing beautiful souls for the podcast, trying my hand at drawing and painting, securing Guns N’ Roses tickets (SO excited!), walking in the woods, connecting with friends, and entertaining.

One year ago this upcoming week we lost our beloved Louis to brain cancer. For weeks I’ve been watching the trees we stood under during our final family walk. They’re coming into those full pink blooms they had on that heartbreaking day. The pain is palpable and I still can’t talk about him without tearing up. The happy-colored daffodils I planted last fall in his garden are beginning to pop and offer a sense of solace.

During a recent Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction class, I led participants in a Mountain and Lake Meditation focused on connecting to our solid inner base and seeing stormy weather as temporary passing states. This comes in handy as we experience waves of grief and the many other emotions that arise on a daily basis.

Life is full of cycles. Death. Birth. Doors closing. Doors opening. Winter. Spring. We must remember that no matter how dark the night, morning always comes. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Blooms and Buddha in Louis’ memorial garden
  2. In love with the wisteria
  3. A yellow tulip “dare to be different” moment
  4. Evening reading pile
  5. A blooming mantle
  6. French tulips and my pink pig by Dana Ellyn
  7. Creative play space
  8. My creation from a fashion painting workshop
  9. Playing domestic during a recent shoot

Savvy Sources

The Crossroads of Should and Must
Dani Shapiro on the Pleasures and Perils of the Writing Life
Food Justice and Personal Rewilding as Social Movements
Longform Podcast with Liz Gilbert
9 Ways to Style Your LBD
Depression as an Opportunity for Growth and Change
10 Documentaries That Will Have You Rethink Animals
Why It’s Important to Leave Some Space for Being Alone
Guide to Keeping a Visual Journal
Annie Dillard on What it Takes to Be a Writer
7 Books That Will Transport You When Travel Isn’t an Option

Weekend Wish List

Although it’s nearly over, my wishes were to find a balance between teaching, resting, giving, and planning. I gleefully give myself an 80% and, well, it’s not yet over!