Week in Review {Pics + Links}

love notes
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Week in Review

Falling out of a cab in pouring rain on my hands and knees onto Paris’ most beautiful bridge, Pont Alexandre III, without losing my grasp of a big bouquet of pink peonies was my final bow in Paris {and clearly not one of my more graceful ones}. DC life kicked back into gear immediately upon landing at Dulles airport last Sunday.

This week was filled with an assortment of routine and routine-shaking activities: yoga, recalibrating jet lag, teaching, attending meetings, sitting with clients, hosting Tranquility du Jour Live on Thursday and Yoga + the Animals on Saturday, attending the Taking Action for Animals conference, seeing a neurologist, penning love notes, reeling in the heaviness from Orlando, planting pink hydrangeas, and being interviewed by Elizabeth Duvivier of Squam Art Workshops for her podcast Morning on the Dock.

It was an energy output kind of week that leaves me craving a Bed Day. You know, the opportunity to refill the well and regroup. The next two to three weekends involve more travel and then I see life slowing to a reasonable pace—just in time to start studying for my social work licensing exam and finalizing the fall TranquiliT line.

Although it may seem like once we get over a hump, things will be smoother, I find that there is always a new challenge or project over that hump. Since that’s typically the case, I strive to insert presence and tranquil touches into the messiness of daily life. Things like carrying lavender oil, toting a reusable water bottle, filling my body with yummy foods, wearing comfy ethically-made clothing, contributing to causes, toting a journal, adding fresh mint to my tea, soaking in the tub, and enjoying a glass of rosé all offer the chance to enhance the everyday.

May our hours, days, and weeks be lived fully without buying into the “once this happens, I’ll be happy” fantasy. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Posing in the Jardin des Plantes {note new TranquiliT pencil skirt sample}
  2. Final sidewalk cafe tea time
  3. Photo shoot with Carla Coulson of Carla loves Photography
  4. Studio decked out for Gay Pride
  5. Set up for Thursday’s Tranquility du Jour Live
  6. Others’ set up for Tranquility du Jour Live spotted with #TDJLive {@mavie_en_francais, @cottagenest, @shizukat, @lightly_lumay}
  7. Set up for Saturday’s Yoga + the Animals at Burleigh Manor Animal Sanctuary
  8. Yoga at Yoga + the Animals
  9. Turkey time at Yoga + the Animals

Savvy Sources

Rhubarb Lilac Spritzer Recipe from Reading My Tea Leaves
21 Juicy Writing Prompts
Comfort Dogs Arrive in Orlando
Breaking the Habit of Being Busy
Learning to Meditate Through Difficulty

10 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Habits This Summer
How to Turn Your Garden into a Real Paradise

Weekend Wish List

Host Yoga + the Animals event at Burleigh Manor Animal Sanctuary. Check.
Learn lots at HSUS’ Taking Action for Animals conference
Write. Check.
Celebrate Father’s Day with Tim and sons
Organize desk
Create Summer Reading list