Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Week in Review

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.—Charles Dickens

This week has been tumultuous and emotional across the United States. No one is immune to what’s happening around us and it’s targeting raw emotions. Watching it unfold, I’ve been sitting with “what can I do to promote peace, justice, love?”

During yesterday’s Virtual Retreat, I shared the practice of tonglen which is something I’m drawn to during times like this. It’s a compassion practice that can be done anywhere and for anyone. A basic how-to from Cauldrons and Cupcakes, a guided practice by Tara Brach, and another piece written by Pema Chodren. Try it, I’m hopeful you, too, may find it helpful.

Spreading love starts from within. Know that you can make a difference. A kind word, a gentle spirit, a thoughtful gesture, a warm embrace, a recognition of the divinity in all. While these aren’t the full picture, it’s a place to start.

Tim and I survived the double Garth show Sunday night/Monday morning in Vegas. The country music legend sang until 2am and I was horizontal by 2:30am—exhausted from singing and dancing for five hours. Easy four-hour flight home the next day and the birthday excursion was a wrap. Filled with time in nature, pig-petting, Garth-singing, and traveling, the journey into my 44th year feels promising.

Last week I collaborated with clients, practiced yoga, participated in meetings, finalized the guidebooks and hosted Saturday’s six-hour Virtual Retreat, was the Morning on the Dock podcast interviewee, submitted my application to the University of Tennessee’s Veterinary Social Work Certificate Program, took Mookie to the vet for his annual check up, ate lots of chia seed pudding, facilitated a corporate mindfulness workshop, and cherished a much-needed deep tissue massage.

As I savor this first weekend day in town without being at a conference in months, I feel myself melting. Melting into an expansive sense of space and time. Although I have lots I want (and need) to accomplish today, I plan to head out into the sunshine with Mookie and Tim for lunch alfresco. I plan to curl up with a book and read. I plan to fill my body with nutritious plant-based food. I plan to nap, as needed. Those projects will be here waiting when I’m ready to return, that I know. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Easy like Sunday morning in Vegas
  2. First Garth show of our two-concert night
  3. Art journal video set up for Virtual Retreat
  4. Mookie after shaking through his vet checkup
  5. Mookie geared up for the Virtual Retreat
  6. My set up for the Virtual Retreat
  7. A behind-the-scenes peek at the Virtual Retreat

Savvy Sources

When You Have Unpublished Writing in Boxes
A Thinker In a World of Talkers
11 Ways To Tap Into The Beautiful World Around You
There Is a War Over Race in America (but it’s not whites vs. blacks)
My Interview on Morning on the Dock Podcast15 Protein-Packed Vegan Recipes
Multitasking Drains the Energy Reserves of Your Brain
Summer Reading List For a Curious Mind
Non-Caffeinated Ways to Wake Up
How Animal Advocates Are Taking On the Meat Lobby

Weekend Wish List

Offer love through Virtual Retreat. Check.
Write two essays for magazine submission.
Pen thank you notes.
Prep for upcoming week.



