Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Week in Review

Greetings from Oklahoma. After Mookie was kicked out by his sitter in Philly Thursday night (yep, 15 minutes before we were to leave for the Guns N’ Roses concert), we had heightened concerns about his first flight the next day.

We picked Mookie up a few hours after we’d dropped him with the sitter (sigh) and headed over to the outdoor stadium hoping to hear Axl spill over the walls. After some back and forth, Tim encouraged me to go inside so at least one of us could see the concert while he sat outside with Mookie and a fully-charged iPhone. We texted photos and updates throughout the show. Him of Mookie listening outside, me of Axl and Slash on stage.

Friday we took Mookie to a dog beach to wear him out before our three-hour flight to OKC. I’d been anxious for days leading up to this considering his unpredictable “spirit.” Would there be a barking fit? Would he fight being confined for a few hours? Would the engine roar set off his anxiety? My mother and I both had nightmares that we were all removed from the plane.

We were pleasantly surprised that he not only survived, he thrived. Well, thrived for Mookie. Other than his need to be entertained with a bone and his bulging eyes as the plane took off, he was a gentleman. We’re still in shock. Tomorrow’s the true test as we’ll be toting him AND Ms. Belle Starr—the newest addition to our family.

She’s been fostered for the past eight months by the same couple who fostered Mookie. I’ve watched her evolution on Instagram from a rescued 7-year-old puppy mill mama who wouldn’t come out of her crate—the only world she knew—to a shy, but sweet and almost social, girl.

After much prodding and spamming Tim with photos of pugs in tutus, he agreed to meet her. Needless to say, she won us over this weekend. And Mookie was well-behaved with her, so we’ll be toting her home in a pink bag tomorrow.

Please send good thoughts for the transport of two rescue pugs and her transition to DC living. It’s going to be a long journey for her. Truthfully, I can’t wait to get her a pink and sparkly wardrobe! Tim’s begging me to let her adjust first and mom’s excited that she finally got a granddaughter. Of sorts.

This week was filled with excitement about traveling to Oklahoma and seeing Axl (one of my high school crushes), collaborating with clients, doing yoga, teaching mindfulness, penning thank you notes, writing and submitting articles to magazines, starting to study for my social work licensing exam, mourning the worldwide violence, meeting and adopting Belle Starr, spending time with my parents, eating the Oklahoma way (banana splits for dinner, cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and homemade limeade in between), releasing the Post-Retreat Guidebook to the Virtual Retreaters, sharing Cameron’s podcast, and penning Pen to Paper.

Life continues to unfold in unpredictable ways. I’m doing my best to savor its’ roller coaster ride. Wishing you a tranquil transition into a brand new week. Thank you for being here. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Morning practice in Oklahoma
  2. Tranquil Space Arlington’s garden
  3. Mookie at the Longport dog beach in NJ
  4. Mookie’s first flight
  5. Mookie checking out Belle Starr
  6. Mookie’s gotchaversary party
  7. Mookie and Belle Starr co-existing
  8. Tim and Belle Starr
  9. Me and the pugs

Savvy Sources

18 Powerful Things To Do Before Bed
How to Create More Mindfulness In Your Life
The Science of Stress
8 Habits That Can Improve Your Life
How to Care for a New Dog Rescued From Neglect
7 Ways Introverts Can Stand in the Spotlight
Carla Coulson on Shooting In the Rain
Unstuck App

Weekend Wish List

Safe travels to Oklahoma. Check.
Survive Mookie’s first flight. Check.
Assess Belle Starr and Mookie. Check.
Adopt Belle Starr from Homeward Bound Pug Rescue. Check.
Return safely {+ sanely} to DC with two rescue pugs in tow




