Week{s} in Review

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10598365_478828368961492_279458785_nyay yellow mums + wooden clogs

11850323_1245154525510327_323939369_nparfum fulfillment

11939270_679028018863450_294371832_nready to go to its new home

11950513_434849300032257_60067627_n  mookie at the vet11925554_646357968839558_608649501_nmookie post-retreat in the woods11262823_679664845502969_744531582_n   contents of my writing desk in the woods11881908_1629301560663104_1884663877_nwriting desk in the woods

11371208_878681625550827_1759231169_nslow start to recent morning with pug, journal + cuppa tea

Week{s} in Review

Packed up living space into bins to have new floor put in
Shipped Tranquillité Parfum
Set up decor for Writing in the Woods retreat
Hosted Writing in the Woods retreat
Met with clients at The Women’s Center
Released Weeks 37 and 38 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility
Subbed yoga classes
Taught mindfulness classes
Indulged in a massage and mani
Threw a farewell party for outgoing Studio Director
Saw Madonna’s Rebel Heart Tour
Co-taught charity class
Had fall TranquiliT shoot
Hosted Fall Tranquilosophy Seasonal Podcast
Tranquility du Jour Daybook review and edits to designer
Shared takeaways from Brene Brown talk
Conducted numerous podcast interviews {lots of good stuff forthcoming}
Had a writing coaching session
Call with Mary Catherine Starr on upcoming retreats
Took Mookie to the vet {he now has a big bottle of trazodone}
Biked many miles

Savvy Sources

Stephen King’s 22 Writing Tips
Interesting article on factory farming
Creating a capsule wardrobe
What are you working towards?
Time management strategy
Interview with Victoria Moran on her latest book, The Good Karma Diet
Fall Online Book club pick is Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Weekend Wish List

Host inspiring Urban Retreat tonight
Have a productive Director Meeting
Have a fun Teacher Retreat
Host a helpful mentoring session
See Elizabeth Gilbert and take good notes
Teach inspiring classes
Savor brunch + art exhibit with girlfriend
Spend time with the animals at Poplar Spring Open House
Enjoy time with writing group

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous x