Week{s} in Review

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Week{s} in Review

The past few weeks I’ve observed a gamut of emotion.

From grief on Inauguration Day, to connection at the Women’s March on Washington, to anger over executive orders and “alternative facts,” to delight at my pugs’ antics, to hope at launching my psychotherapy practice, to deprivation during my detox.

These waves of emotion translate to a need for groundedness . . . and lots of sleep.

To help get grounded, most mornings I start with writing in my journal—curious to see what will bubble up. There’s been a hot cup of ginger, crystallized lemon, and a splash of stevia nearby. I peruse my Daybook and evaluate priorities, often pulling over items I didn’t have the energy to finish the day before. I sit with my breath and notice the sensations around and within me such as heat, cold, tight, open, heavy, light.

After today’s spring TranquiliT photo shoot (Facebook Live sneak peek at 2pmET), I’m off to Tranquil Space to savor a yoga class and host Writing Lab (2 spots left). Then Tim, the pups, and I are heading out to his place in West Virginia for the weekend to decompress, go to a matinee, and hit our favorite veg resto that allows dogs.

I’m grateful for these mini breaks to hit the pause button and refill the tank. It’s a lot about the essentialism we discussed in last month’s Tranquility du Jour Live gathering—making space for what matters most.

During these times of emotional overwhelm and political outrage, I find self-care practices to be critical to survival. In my upcoming studies of Veterinary Social Work at the University of Tennessee, one module is about compassion fatigue. It’s a common struggle among caregivers of all kinds. And we are all in some way a caregiver—to the planet, kids, parents, pets, work, community, partner, ourselves.

Please keep your own well full during these times, so that you can be the most powerful agent for good possible. We need you now more than ever. Bisous. x

Over the past few weeks I prepped for today’s photo shoot (samples, looks), taught an Inauguration Day yoga class, marched with Tim in the Women’s March on Washington, collaborated with clients, set up my Psychology Today and Good Therapy profiles, psychotherapy website, released a podcast, attended a journal writing workshop, began e-course updates (if you have them already, the updates are automatic), taught a Mindfulness daylong and weekly classes, attended a postcard-writing event at the Women’s National Democratic Club, had tea with a friend, watched Z: The Beginning of Everything, survived a 10-day detox, and slept a lot.

Pics in Review

  1. Out on the town with Ms. Starr
  2. Book and tea time at Politics & Prose
  3. My new gold Buddha snow globe {thank you, Carol}
  4. January dreams review
  5. Gold leggings
  6. Dolled up for 13-year-anniversary vegan dinner
  7. Tim and I at the Women’s March on Washington
  8. Tranquil Space Marchers
  9. New tee
  10. My babies

Savvy Sources

28-Day Commit to Sit with Sharon Salzberg
Why the Women’s March May Be the Start of a Serious Social Movement
I Trained Myself To Be Less Busy
52 Things You Can Do In the First 52 Weeks of Trump’s Presidency
In The Time Spent On Social Media, You Could Read 200 Books A Year
Spending 10 Minutes a Day on Mindfulness Subtly Changes the Way You React to Everything
If It Won’t Fit On a Post-It, It Won’t Fit In Your Day
10 Lovely Bookshops
Six Habits Highly Organized People Have in Common
10 Ways HSPs Can Bounce Back From An Emotional Slump
How To Fight Stress With Empathy
5 Ways To Add More Reading Time To Your Day
How To Be Mindful With a Snack
Hooked On Our Smartphones
15 Outstanding Podcasts For Writers

Weekend Wish List

Host inspiring Writing Lab
Go to a matinee
Take pugs to dog-friendly dining in Shepherdstown, WV
Organize project to-dos
Walk in the woods