Week{s} in Review {Pics + Links}

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Week{s} in Review

December was dedicated to HTC10 and studying for an exam that completed my social work licensing journey. The past week I’ve been coming up for air to do holiday shopping, read for pleasure, and contemplate 2017. It’s a beautiful world out there and you really appreciate it when you’ve been under a rock for a few weeks.

Although, possibly like some of you, I had grand plans for this week between Christmas and the New Year: finish e-courses I’d started, revamp my e-courses, write, finish three books, reread another, and on and on.

Now, here we are at the end of the year, back to life post-holidays next week, and those items are still pending. You, too?

I’m here to tell you it’s okay. The sun keeps rising and setting.

For me, none of those to-dos were urgent and they can all be done in the new year at my own pace. Instead I walked with the pups, watched films and a play, spent time with Tim, ate pumpkin pie for breakfast, wrote in my journal, sipped tea by the fire, and soaked in the tub for hours.

In the new year I hope to continue this practice of acceptance. Accepting that my days aren’t to be measured by checking boxes (although it is VERY rewarding), but rather by my experiences.

Rather than piling on projects and to-dos, I want 2017 to vacillate more between being and doing—with a larger emphasis on being and savoring. What about you? How do you hope to show up in the new year?

Tonight I’m hosting my second Facebook Live gathering at 8pm ET and will share my end of year review process. Would love to have you join.

Wishing you a tranquil transition into a brand new chapter of life—2017. Bisous. x

Over the past few weeks I collaborated with clients, watched Jackie, La La Land, Maggie’s Plan, mourned the loss of a DC yoga teacher {didn’t know her personally}, passed the social work clinical licensing exam, studied fireside for days, taught mindfulness, hosted mentoring sessions, walked in the woods of WV, released two podcasts, interviewed two podcast guests, penned and mailed 25 thank-you notes, explored next steps in my veterinary social work program, soaked in the tub, attended an office holiday party, hosted a studio holiday party, finished The Wander Society by Keri Smith, had tea with a friend, walked to The Kennedy Center to see Into the Woods, and did my holiday shopping.

Pics in Review

  1. Getting that look from Tim at the Tranquil Space holiday party
  2. Tranquil Space Team at holiday party
  3. Mookie being inappropriate with Santa
  4. Post-Dry Bar visit
  5. Time with my journal
  6. My babies in pink
  7. Sparkly pink pig ring from Tim {was my lucky study buddy}
  8. Q4 projects, check
  9. Side tongue
  10. Christmas Day matinee, bike ride, and pic in front of the tree in City Center
  11. Tonight’s Facebook Live Event

Savvy Sources

Why Stephen King Spends a Long Time on Opening Sentences
13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful
The One Question To Ask Yourself Before Checking Your Phone
Pets Help People Manage the Pain of Serious Mental Illness
Why Going Vegan Is the Ultimate New Year’s Resolution
27 Best Books on Writing
To Anyone Who Thinks They’re Falling Behind in Life
16 Famous Designers Show Us Their Favorite Notebooks
The Space Between Stories
10 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Make You Mentally Stronger
Top 10 Mindful Books from 2016
Some Thoughts On Transitioning to Digital Minimalism
Mindful Tea Drinking Practice
Spoons the Rescue Rat
Move Over, Marie Kondo: Make Room for the Hygge Hoardes

Weekend Wish List

Host inspiring Facebook Live Event TONIGHT {8pm ET}
Host inspiring three-hour mini-retreat tomorrow
Finish two books so I can make my Goodreads Reading Challenge goal
Festive New Year’s Eve at the Kennedy Center
Safe travels to NYC on Sunday
Sign up for 10-day detox
Make end-of-year donationsYoga, meditation, hot baths

