happy weekend fellow hip, tranquil, fabulous femmes!
many of you have asked about my 10-day detox diet which i’ll be sure to share. on day 2 now. basically it’s all about fruits, veggies, nuts/seeds, beans, and whole grains. sadly, no sugar, pasta, white cheddar popcorn (just writing that made my mouth water), cupcakes, or heaps of bread that i adore. alas, i will carry on with it and hope to feel lighter in the end. it’s hard to break eating preferences of the past 35 years!
attached is a lovely flier from one of tranquil space foundation’s grantees this year, nest. *so* exciting to see the work they are doing and i adore my hand embroidered bag from guatemala.
as i mentioned on twitter, i am pondering a 10-day to 2 week sojourn to paris and asked for feedback on 1) time of year and 2) places to see. i’ve only been once and it was post-college 1995. i feel like it is time to return and explore the city in a new, less touristy way. any suggestions or feedback is most welcomed!
we hope to start showing bi-weekly vidcasts in between the bi-weekly podcasts. please let moi know if there is something you’d like featured. have tons of ideas, but want to be sure to spark your creative interest.
was feeling overwhelmed with my lack of space in the ol’ planner pad so i went through and cancelled a few meetings and play dates to allow myself some open calendar space. immediately i felt lighter. experiencing that overwhelmed “what have i done to myself” feeling? peruse your calendar to see if there are meetings or events that you can shift. i *know* open space is important, yet continue to overbook. oh, when will i learn?
find inspiration. open up calendar space. give back. indulge in exotic travel. shine brightly. savor the taste of spring. eat your veggies. be grateful. love life.