
love notes
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oh habits. what are you exactly? according to wikipedia (where i get oodles of info) habits are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly, tend to occur subconsciously without directly thinking about them. here’s a little insight into my deep, dark subconscious happenings:

habits of mine i like:

– planning
– keeping 5 organizations running
– ongoing self-analysis
– energizer bunny energy
– unconditional love for animals
– ongoing desire to do/be more

habits of mine i’d like to wish away:

– taking things personally
– perusing facebook
– reacting
– loving processed food
– planning while practicing yoga
– my “sprench” pronunciation of the beautiful french language
– heading to e-mail first thing in AM and last thing in PM

habits i’d like to adopt:

7 habits of highly effective people
– tighter time management
– more whole grain + green food eating
– energy management to ensure spirit gets replenished
– not taking anything personally (j’adore the four agreements)
– patience
– actually reading all the books i own
– checking e-mail 2-4 times per day

et vous?