happy darkest day of the year

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well we’ve made it through the darkest day of the year and are sure to be coming through the other side. it only gets lighter from here. happy winter solstice! yesterday’s new york adventures were, well, adventurous. especially the bus breaking down on the way home from 1-3am. nothing like causing a panic when you have to catch a flight to tokyo in a few hours (sorry fabulous assistant)! home at 5am – ah, the joys of crawling into my own bed.

i had mentoring sessions with two lovely ladies today and it reminded me that it’s time to start taking stock of 2007 and preparing for 2008. sure, i knew that considering we’re coming to the end of the year, but it was a good reminder to get the reflection time into my planner pad and ensure i do my synopsis. to help you get started, i’ll be sure to address this in sunday’s podcast. also, i got a great dear hip tranquil chick question on staying sane with family over the holidays – i’ll address this, too. always a struggle to juggle the many challenges and joys of this festive season. i hope to provide a few hip and tranquil insights into it. in the meantime, i’ve chosen to have a quiet holiday at home with no plans for christmas. beau, pug, kitties, and i will open some gifts, do some yoga, read in front of the fire, eat dessert, and maybe go see a movie or two. how decadent!

i hope you see bright, shiny days ahead as each day will offer more light through june 21. isn’t that grand? again, happy winter solstice!

p.s. if you’re local or in town, come out to my lululemon book signings this weekend. would LOVE to meet you!