Happy Summer Solstice

love notes
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And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.
—F. Scott Fitzgerald

Earlier today I received a sweet email from someone worried that she wasn’t getting my posts in her inbox anymore. I reminded her that I was taking a bit of a blogging/Love Note break for the first time since 2004.

I’m in one of those creative fallow spaces where I’m stepping out of routine to reassess and rest.

Creativity goes in cycles. Sometimes there’s a harvest, sometimes there’s planting seeds, and sometimes there’s leaving it fallow to restore. I’m in the latter at the moment.

As promised, podcasts are still releasing every other week, I’m still posting on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and penning blog posts here and there.

And although for the first time in a decade I’m not hosting the online Summer Solstice gathering, I wanted to wish each of you a sacred launch into this new season. This is the longest day and shortest night of the year. It’s a wonderful time to do some seasonal reflection.

What cycle are you in right now? Planting, harvesting, resting. What do you crave most?

For me, it’s time curled up with a book (just finished Apprenticed to Venus: My Secret Life with Anaïs Nin = SO good), writing in my Moleskine, long walks with Tim and the pups, tending my garden, nurturing my clients, practicing yoga, and enjoying experiences like plays at The Kennedy Center and weekend jaunts away.

May summertime bring you a sense of beginning over again. I like to think that each day (or moment) offers this opportunity and, yet, there is something about summer that brings us back to a childlike state—playing in the sand, letting watermelon juice run off our chins, climbing trees, watching fireflies, camping under the stars. Bisous. x