home after 2800 miles in 4 days! whirlwind adventure full of sorrow, loss, laughter, and family time. despite the circumstances, we all made the best of the situation and enjoyed our time together – including a spontaneous slumber party where we kept my 96-year-old gramma up until 2am watching the jane austen book club. very cute flick. gramma’s words the next morning, “i’m sleepy.” ha!
here are a few fun photos of our journey out to the wichita mountains outside of my parent’s home, near where i grew up. beautiful! the pups had a blast and louis loves barking at the bison and long horns.
i came across this muse in o magazine. it felt apropos considering last week. barbara kingsolver writes:
every one of us is called upon, probably many times, to start a new life. a frightening diagnosis, a marriage, a move, loss of job . . . and onward full tilt we go, pitched and wrecked and absurdly resolute, driven in spite of everything to make good on a new shore. to be hopeful, to embrace one possibility after another – that is surely the basic instinct . . . crying out: high tide! time to move out into the glorious debris. time to take this life for what it is.
may we all take this life for what it is!
finally, join moi (+ a host of other fab femmes) tonight for our tranquilology teleclass on shining brightly this summer. have your journals, colored pens, and mug of tea (or flute of bubbly) nearby. can’t join us live? no worries, i’ll send you the mp3. here’s the skinny. xoxo