Loving Le Pug: Tools for Grief

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There is no one-size-fits-all practice for grieving. It’s a journey of riding waves that appear in different forms each day. Maybe it’s a song, a photo, a comment, or an altered routine that triggers a reaction. I’m finding it to be unpredictable and best to set myself up for success by maintaining the bare basics: rest, hydration, full belly. With a splash of yoga, meditation, and journaling.

While writing in my journal this morning, I pondered the numerous tools that have supported and comforted me while grieving numerous losses over the past few years. Below is a non-exhaustive list of them in no particular order.

Grief is a process and no tool, concoction, or escape can make it go away. However, my hope is that a few of these may serve as a balm for the emptiness and achiness of any loss you may be experiencing.

Have a favorite go-to to soothe the soul? Share in the comments below. Sending love from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC. Bisous. x


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Journal, essential oil, tea, face oil, candle, plant

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Creating a beautiful resting place surrounded by love

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 Reading thoughtful cards of comfort


Spending time in nature

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Appreciating sweet moments in pictures

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Creating a memorial garden {sweet personalized stone forthcoming}


Staying hydrated with favorite libations


Reading Grieving Mindfully and escaping to new settings