the lessons of infirm

love notes
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ah, so i am returning from the depths of flu-filled drama. after not feeling quite right most of last week i trudged along with my to-dos until sunday finally slowed me to a halt. i’ve been couped up in bed since then. today i showered (ahhh, what a relief!) and i’m ready to hit the ground running tomorrow with a 10am acupuncture appointment. this total reprieve set back many meetings and plans, but left me alone with my 200+ page manuscript that i will be fedexing tomorrow. woo-hoo! so somehow, it all worked out.

however, i must say that hanging out in bed for 3 solid days grew quite lonely. i miss the social interaction and feel so isolated from reality. yet, the world continued to turn just fine and listening to the rainfall from the comfort of my bed provided an amazing sense of tranquility.

must-haves for infirm:

– tons of tissues
– cell phone
– emergenC packets
– loads of fluids (water and hot tea with honey)
– scented candles burning nearby (you can’t smell them but it’s the thought that counts)
– a pet to cuddle and who doesn’t mind how you look
– layers to help adjust with your vascillating chills and fevers
– good, soft linens
– tons of pillows
– good books
– planner pad
– notebook/pen to record random musings