thursday musings

love notes
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i hope your day is off to a fabulous start. thank you for the great feedback on the desktop. i’m delighted that you’re pleased. the e-cards and forum should be up within a few days as my webmaster is finalizing the code.

last night’s book signing in crystal city was intimate and cozy. a couple fabulous femmes drove an hour for the event and it turned out that they worked at the women’s center – a phenom organization that i’ve wanted to connect with for a few years. synchronicity! beau came – sweet token male in the audience – and we headed to the nearby tapas place for a quick bite and sangria. then back to dc to meet up with three other delightful girlfriends at the tabard inn. we laughed for hours, sipped vino, and indulged in a cheese plate. the quintessential girls’ night! during our session we decided to form a feminist book club and are starting with the feminine mystique by betty friedan. i can’t wait to dive into this book. it’s been on my to-do list for almost a year and now i have the accountability to make it happen.

i hope you’ve had a great week. february can be a bit dreary but a reminder that spring is around the corner. truly! get some fresh air, keep moving, take a nap, dance to your favorite tunes, pet your puppy, and indulge in a special $5 treat (p. 78 of hip tranquil chick) that won’t break the bank.