Top 10 Detox Tips

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Happy Detox Day 1!

I appreciate you stopping by last night’s Detox Kick Off via Facebook Live. If you missed us live, the 30-minute REPLAY is available here. For some reason the video got pixelated at times, but the audio is clear. Apologies for me turning green and multi-colored!


I won’t be posting everything here, on Facebook, or the Year of Tranquility forum since this is a smaller group, but I am offering to send daily detox love straight to your inbox. Sign up here for detox support.

Detox checklist and more resources HERE.


1. Remove temptations from your home. Bye, bye sugar-coated cereals!

2. Review the basic food plan and pick up these staples: brown rice, fresh and/or frozen veggies (especially kale, spinach, avocados, cauliflower—for cauliflower wings), frozen fruit (for green smoothies or smoothie bowls), chia seed, ground flax seed, black beans, lemon, herbal tea, raw nuts, veggie stock for soups, apples, nut butters, gluten-free whole grains, hummus, etc.

3. Start weaning off the sugar and caffeine. I know, I know!

4. Upgrade your eating to include five servings of fruit and veggies each day.

5. Gather and schedule your self-care: journal, tongue scraper, bath supplies, dry skin brush, exercise, massage.

6. Schedule time for food shopping and prep.

7. Eat plenty of healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, and edamame to help curb cravings.

8. Drink plenty of water to help release toxins. Add lemon, mint, and cucumber slices to spice it up!

9. Believe you can do this and enlist the support of others. Better yet, have them join you!

10. Value progress over perfection.