wednesday well-being

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 nyc subway reading
 live main street vegan podcast interview of kathy stevens by victoria moran and kristin
 tonight’s green juice “dinner”
 vegan academy ensemble {TranquiliT + vintage + mala by carol}
 image found on kale korner

bonsoir. after 11 hours of vegan academy today, my mind is swirling with heaps of new information and inspiration and i plan to be fast asleep within minutes. but not before i share my wednesday well-being post. after all, you and writing are a big priority!

i awoke at 4am tuesday which seems to be a trend lately. hmmm, perimenopausal? sigh. decided to get up and start the day rather than toss and turn to wait for the 7am alarm. it turned out to be a productive and delightful morning. the bus ride to nyc was also an absolute joy. i finished the paris wife {my first fiction book in 20 years} and fell in love with hadley and the whole hemingway paris experience. i also felt profound sadness. such tragedy on many levels. ah, historical fiction, i may have found a new love. have you read it? if so, what did you think?

upon arrival to nyc i hopped on the C train and headed to harlem where i’m staying through sunday. nearly every minute is smothered in vegan goodness with lectures from cardiologists, former vegan academy grads, victoria moran, and kathy stevens {so far, more to come}. tomorrow we’re off on a field trip that includes a jaunt to brooklyn to meet the lovely founder of vaute couture {featured on during nyc fashion week}. it’s a total treat to be among others crazy passionate about animals. does my soul good.

for today’s well-being post, i wanted to share victoria’s MEND program suggestion:

M = meditation
E = exercise
N = nourishment
D = detox
simple, yet profound. i love the gentle reminders to bring so much goodness into everyday life. be. move your body. feed your body and soul. surrender what doesn’t serve you. a gentle, genius motto. MEND, shall we? bisous. x