1. review the former month’s dreams. check off all you completed. review what’s left to move over to the following month. above is my february dreams.
2. gather your tools to doll up your month’s dreams in your daybook. i tend to use an inspiring image pulled from a magazine, glue stick, washi tape, sharpie, and stickers.
3. layout your page. my march background is simple with an image of stacked washi tapes, real washi tape, and a kraft sticker.
4. add your dreams. pull over any remaining dreams from the previous month that weren’t completed and still resonate. add new one’s for this fresh month that beckons change, slight shifts, and blooms along with nature.
snap a pic and share your march dreams on our tranquility du jour facebook page or tranquility du jour daybook facebook page. it’s inspiring to see one another’s dreams in visual format. happy dreaming. we’re oh-so-ready for you, march. bisous. x