Book Launch Fête [A Gift]

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Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much. —Helen Keller

Last night we gathered for the Year of Tranquility Book Launch Fete to celebrate community, International Women’s Day, and the release of the book. Our group spanned from France, Japan, Canada, Mexico, and across the US. The above photos were snapped and shared during the event.

To begin, I read a favorite Marianne Williamson poem called “Our Deepest Fear,” led a few seated yoga poses, and encouraged a mindful check-in.

In honor of International Women’s Day, I shared a selection of my favorite feminist texts such as The Feminine Mystique, Backlash, and The Second Sex, and offered suggestions on living this holiday every day.

We read through an assortment of reflection questions and I highlighted parts from each of chapter such as how to art journal, tips on cleaning out the closet, ideas for Artist Dates, how to do a body scan, yogic principles for daily life, setting SMART goals, how to develop and express your personal brand, and more.

Next, I read pieces from Year of Tranquility such as the Manifesto, TDJ Tenets, Everyday Creativity, and Everyday Mindfulness along with a snippet from 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women and The Artist’s Way.

To close we shared takeaways from the time together and ideas on next steps such as writing one’s own manifesto, making Artist Dates, remembering “progress not perfection,” and incorporating sweet details into everyday activities.

If you’d like to partake in the 75-minute gathering, here’s the replay as a gift. In exchange, I ask that you pay it forward by supporting a female friend’s new handmade bath product business [or equivalent], watching RBG, reading something by Gloria Steinem, sending a love note to a girlfriend who’s struggling, or smiling at a stranger.

The world needs more kindness and, as Maya Angelou said, “Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” Bisous. x