Creating Your Month’s Dreams/Review

love notes
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Welcome to a brand new month! I always love a fresh start, don’t you?

If you haven’t already, pull out your journal, sketchbook, planner, Year of Tranquility, and/or Daybook to reflect and dream.


1. What did I experience, accomplish, start, learn, try and/or ponder last month?

2. What would I like to experience, accomplish, start, learn, and/or ponder in this new month?

How To

Using ephemera (bits of paper), washi tape, a Sharpie, and your preferred book, put those March dreams on paper and seal it inside your journal, sketchbook, planner, Year of Tranquility, and/or Daybook. Refer back to it daily or at least weekly.

Here’s a peek into a digital version of this process from 2021.


While reviewing my previous month’s dreams, I’d checked nearly nine of my 14 boxes. Some of the unchecked boxes involve a new habit (salad per day), one goal I didn’t meet (plan TDJ Style Pop-Up), one I simply didn’t do (create a new Tea with Kimberly video—although I DO have a few I recorded yesterday coming your way), and a few that were close (daily movement classes, three Love Notes, AM creative time).

Rather than wallow in what wasn’t done, I’ve taken the unchecked items into the new month and contemplated ways to make them happen (set the Tea with K video ideas and schedule the recording. check, did yesterday!), marked through what didn’t happen and was specific to that month (send four Love Notes—changed to three), and created new dreams specific to the new month (four-day therapy conference).

You’ve Got This

There’s still plenty of time to review your Year’s Dreams (here’s a peek at my process) and keep (or start) making progress toward what matters most. It’s one foot in front of the other, one tiny step at a time.

Voilà, this process allows me to start the new month with reflection and intention setting PLUS a little celebration of what DID happen. And a gentle reminder that when we misstep (eat too many boxes of Thin Mints), we can always begin again! Bisous. x