
love notes
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this is one of my favorite words: do-gooding. is it even a real word? i love to make words up or must have seen it somewhere and it stuck.

i think of the motto for all things hip tranquil chick as “yoga, creativity, do-gooding.” today’s do-gooding effort began bright and early with doga (note attached photo of the lovely louis). there were four darling dogs there for adoption and yummy treats from doggie style bakery (one of louis’ favorite stomping grounds). everyone donated what they could to the washington humane society and seemed to enjoy doing yoga under the sky.

after baking in the hot sun for awhile, i was cooked so i headed home to rejuvenate with a hot bath and nap. then off to the studio to lead 15 lovely yogis through a 2-hour hip practice which raised over $300 for tranquil space foundation (TSF)! yay!

on friday i met with two ladies from dc’s chapter of girls on the run and was so energized by hearing their story and their founders story (i have a professional crush on her and secretly desire to design TSF in a similar fashion to her organizational growth). girls on the run is one of our first grantees within TSF’s generosity committee. we donated $650 to three local organizations with similar missions toward serving women and girls. it felt so good to hand over a check to these women who are growing this amazing organization in dc. the plan is to put the donation toward scholarships to girls who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford to participate in their programming.

after this check hand-off and smoozing over their founder, i dashed off to volunteer with my seniors up on connecticut avenue. loooooove them. one lady from italy always shows up decked out – she had on a comfy black dress and a big pearl choker. i couldn’t help but hope that that is how i’ll present at 90.

it’s funny, i started this post simply to share louis’ oh-so-fabulous picture and then realized how “do-gooding” the past two days have been. wasn’t even intentional, just how it all worked out. feels good. hope it’s building some good karma!

on thursday i met with a woman who runs a green medical spa in virginia called derma hair care and she mentioned off the cuff that she had read my book. i had been e-introduced to her by a mutual friend who thought we would have fun, greening, business stories to share so this came as a nice surprise. she noted how it was written in an accessible way and encouraged the reader to have fun with spirituality.

i really appreciated that comment and plan to muse about that soon on the blog because i find that to be SO important on this life journey. there is so much black and white thinking on what yoga is, what a yogi is, what spirituality is, how this is the right way and this is the wrong way, etc. frankly, it drives me crazy! the whole premise behind HTC is to find your own way, to explore what makes you tick, and to live life fully, mindfully, and flairfully. more to come on this topic . . .

off to finish date night with beau and pug – curled up in bed with a good book and some fun documentary entertainment. ‘night and namaste!