Helllooooo November

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Welcome to a brand new month! I always love a fresh start, don’t you?

Over the weekend, I encourage you to pull out your journal, sketchbook, planner, Year of Tranquility, or Daybook to reflect and dream.

Consider . . . 1. What did you experience, accomplish, start, or ponder in October? 2. What would you like to experience, accomplish, start, or ponder in November?

Using ephemera (bits of paper), washi tape, a Sharpie, and your preferred book, put those November dreams on paper.

We have two months left in 2019 which is 1/6 of the year! There’s still plenty of time to review your year’s dreams and keep (or start) making progress toward what matters most. It’s one foot in front of the other, one tiny step at a time.

While reviewing my October dreams, I was only able to check three of my nine boxes. Some of the unchecked boxes involve other people (ex. new website), one goal I didn’t meet (ex. sell 50 tickets to Pugs & Pints), one I simply didn’t do (ex. donate five bags of stuff and two Tea with Kimberly videos—although I DO have a 20-minute Tea with K coming next week), and one is happening on Monday (open Provence retreat registration).

Rather than beating myself up (it IS a specialty), I’ll take the unchecked items into November, mark through what didn’t happen and was specific to October, and consider ways to get back on track (ex. set the Tea with K video ideas and schedule the recording).

Voilà, this process allows me to start the new month with reflection and intention setting PLUS a little celebration of what DID happen. Whew! You’ve got this and welcome to November, ladies! Bisous. x