Great Expectations
We have ideas about what everything should be. Here’s what a diet should look like. Here’s what I should look it. Here’s what my relationship should look like. And here’s what the process of journaling should look like. Each of those statements stands directly in the way of possibility. If you’re caught up in what something should be then you’ll miss what it could be. It could be something you look forward to rather than dread. It could be that you take the experience—whatever it may be—and make it your own.
Making it My Own
As a teenager, I started and stopped several journals. I’d get mad at myself if I skipped a few days, and I’d avoid picking the journal back up because I thought I had to recount everything that had gone on since the last time I wrote. The idea exhausted me, and so I stopped writing. I finally got the journal thing going when I removed all expectation. Is a journal something I have to write in everyday? Nope! Do I have to write lengthy entries detailing what I’ve been up to since the last time I wrote? Absolutely not! Can I write what I’m feeling at this very moment and that’s it? Of course. But can it be a long entry if I want it to be? Yes. Can it still be a short entry? I said yes already!
Somebody Please Tell Me What to Do
We humans like instruction. We like being told what to do (or we’re just used to it), and it’s hard to get out of that mind frame even when we’re doing something simply for ourselves. At some point, we all formed an idea of what a journal should be—making it easy to forget that your journal is your journal. If you only write in it once a month or once every six months no one else will know. It’s your journal. If you never once delineate the events of the day and always write about your feelings, or your cat, or your aversion to the color orange, it’s fine. I’m telling you it’s fine. I have eleven journals sitting on my shelf. Some years I write incessantly, and other years not so much. I have yet to discover if 2010 will be a journal year or not. I’m confident it will reveal itself to me. It’s my job to be open to all possibilities.
If you still can’t get the idea of a traditional journal out of your head, heres are some alternate suggestions: