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Do you know a woman in the DC area who goes above and beyond to serve women and girls in one of the following areas? Yoga * Creative Expression * Leadership Development

If so, we want to hear from you! Tranquil Space Foundation, a DC-based non-profit, is dedicated to using yoga, creativity and leadership training to help women and girls find their inner voice. We are currently preparing to issue the inaugural Tranquil Space Foundation Awards for exemplary service to women and girls in our areas of focus.

To nominate a local woman for the award, please email us at no later than September 28, 2008 with the following information:

1. Your name
2. The nominee’s name and contact information
3. Your relationship to the nominee
4. A summary of the nominee’s contributions (300 words or less)

Nominations will be reviewed by Tranquil Space Foundation steering committee, and winners will be announced at the Foundation’s fundraising gala on October 16, 2008 at the Josephine Butler House. For more information about Tranquil Space Foundation, visit us online at