You know what they say about the best-laid plans, right?
Well, Wednesday night as my designer was uploading the final draft, she got an error message and called support. They informed her that an 8×10 had been chosen as the size (I did as much backend setup as I could) and she was uploading an 8.5×11.
When she told me, I replied, “Yes, the book is supposed to be 8×10.” Oops, that meant a new layout to fix the size.
After she spent all day Thursday redesigning to fit the 8×10 format, we went back and forth for four hours finalizing the final, final draft. She uploaded it shortly before 2AM. My heart raced and we sent each out celebratory emojis before crawling into bed.
Friday morning I woke up at 7:30AM and checked Amazon. Nothing yet! My Mom got so excited that she bought 52 Weeks of Tranquility on Amazon. I reminded her that was my 2015 book and she already had it. Sweet thing!
I continued to hit refresh on Amazon all day and then late last night I received an email that there were a couple minor issues that had to be fixed. My designer’s working on them now and opened up Pandora’s box when she texted, “If you want to read through one more time for typos, there’s now time.”
My name is Kimberly and I love to edit, tweak, adjust, and edit some more. Thank goodness my designer is incredibly patient.
So, we’re working on the final, final, final draft of the 230-page Year of Tranquility delight right now and then we both get our lives back. At least for a few days.
There’s another project coming down the pike: Tranquility du Jour Daybook.
On Sunday’s TDJ Live, many of you mentioned how important it had been to you and how you were missing it. It got me thinking. Since Year of Tranquility is a BIG picture lifestyle planner (not day-to-day) and I can update the last Daybook version to match our current look, why not create one and offer it on Amazon for you?
Amazon doesn’t offer a spiral-bound option, but for those who love spiral, it’s easy peasy to take any book to Kinkos or a similar store and have the perfect binding chopped off and a spiral inserted. Voilà!
We’ll redesign an evergreen, dateless Tranquility du Jour Daybook with all your favorites including weekly layouts. While I know everyone has their 2019 planners, these won’t sell out (like the limited runs done with former versions over the years), can be started at anytime, and help us infuse our days with tranquility. Plus it’s pretty and pink!
Okay, back to my designer to truly tie a bow around Year of Tranquility. As always, I promise to keep you posted and thank you SO much for your enthusiasm and support! Bisous. x