Virtual Retreat Love

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





Joined by women from Jordan, Spain, Belgium, France, Italy, UK, Mexico, Canada, and across the US, last Saturday we gathered via Zoom to reset, connect, and create through our virtual retreat.

These photos were spotted on social media (#virtualretreat) and offer a peek inside the experience.

Using journaling, mindfulness, yoga, and creativity practices, we explored ways to bloom into spring. Toward the end of our three-hour journey, many requested a monthly virtual retreat to help navigate this time.

After mulling it over, I’ve decided to offer another virtual retreat on Saturday, May 2, noon-3pm ET.

This retreat will include the same four reflective practices with a focus on finding tranquility within quarantine life.

Each virtual retreat has a fresh spin and includes:

Reflect and create in your journal. Spend time in contemplation and community. Bask in a juicy yoga flow (mat encouraged, seated optional, no experience needed). Learn mindfulness tools. Reconnect with your body through movement and meditation. Take your inner artist on a three-hour date.

Thanks to our retreaters, we donated $500 to Pigs & Pugs Project and Meals on Wheels to help keep seniors safe amid COVID-19.

I hope you’ll join us in May! Your soul will thank you.

P.S. Here’s what Kelly had to say about her experience: Kimberly’s 3-hour live retreat made a huge difference during a time when self-care is critically needed. She thoughtfully provided seated yoga, meditation and journaling to get us to the a clear mental place where we could get into the right mindset to do deep inner work, connect within, shift energy, and emerge totally refreshed and rejuvenated. Thank YOU again!