What to Expect in 2021

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I’m a list girl. I need to write everything down or my mind feels like a snow globe all shaken up. Making lists is how I sort things out. Ideally with colored markers, a cuppa tea in hand, and jazzy tunes playing.

Each December, I pen a Year in Review (forthcoming) and contemplate how best to serve the TDJ community in the year ahead.

Here’s a peek inside where I’ve landed . . .
How does this sound/feel to you?

Is there anything you’d like more or less of? Any topics you’d like covered on the podcasts and blog or in the Tea with Kimberly videos?

Please share in the comments below. Or send a note via email! I’m always grateful to hear from you.

Wishing you a gentle conclusion to 2020. May our stroll into 2021 be intentional and nurture our inner knowing. I heart you! Bisous. x