Feeling overwhelmed with back to school (literally or figuratively), realizing that priorities may be out of sync with values, or longing for new tools to balance this crazy ride called life?
We’ll be covering this and MUCH more in the upcoming four-week Tranquility Salon Online launching Friday, September 27.
Connect with a like-hearted community. Build your toolkit. Reconnect with yourself. Spend time in reflection. Learn new practices. Awaken possibility. Deepen awareness. Engage in creative play. Tune in to what matters most.
Learn ways to live with intention and ease as we move into the final months of 2019 and bustling holiday season. It wouldn’t be the same without you!
I’m joining the online salon because I have enjoyed so many things Kimberly does – the podcast, the online classes, the Daybook, the clothes. I turn 60 in four months and I am in a period of slow changes – focusing less on work and career and more on writing, travel, language, garden, dance. I think the salon will be a great place for me to work on that transition.
As a full time elementary teacher, wife, and mama of two, I’m joining the Tranquility Salon Online so that I can commit time for myself. I have found that when I take the time to take care of myself, I am happier, calmer, and more focused, which helps me take care of my family and my students. I am looking forward to spending 4 weeks on goal setting, self-care, practicing mindfulness, and getting creative. I’ve taken various courses from Kimberly in the past and I am so looking forward to this newest opportunity to add more tranquility to my daily life.
Anytime Kimberly releases something new, I sign up because I know it will be fabulous. I also loved the timing of this: towards the end of the year, close to the Holiday season and my busy season with my business. I thought it would be a great way to end the year on a positive and tranquil note.