chez moi take deux = tranquility

love notes
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closet organized, bookshelves organized, armoire/desk organized, style + design books on top of smaller armoire for easy inspiration when working on TranquiliT. ahhhh, now to kick up my tired heels and journal for a few minutes before showering and heading out to face the world for the first time this weekend. i’ve only spoken with louis (doesn’t really count – he’s a pug afterall) and beau via phone (he’s away for his 20th reunion).

there is something SO cathartic about doing such an in-depth purge of chez moi. i get this opportunity every few years and it was long overdue. cleaning out a section such as a closet or armoire is more seasonal, but the chaos post-floor and paint update left me no choice. had to dive in and am tres glad i did!

note my tea cart of accessories + stack of books i’m reading – my oh my. yes, this IS the after photo. clearly more work to be done! love me some accessories and books. they make the world go ’round: flower pins, sparkly necklaces, scarves, earrings, bracelets, headbands.

note photo to the right of the fireplace. the black square against the wall is my meditation cushion set next to my birdcage of music. perfect for a quiet nook of tranquility.

see louis’ beloved teddy. he takes that thing everywhere. teddy is currently resting on the chaise lounge with a bone and louis-size tennis ball.

a few deep clean organizational tips: set aside uninterrupted time. turn on inspiring tunes – i was ALL about pandora. light candles and incense. have piles for “donation,” “trash,” and “pass along to friend.” stay hydrated and enjoy snacks – i noshed on popcorn all night. yum! pull everything out of closets, drawers, etc. as it helps to see everything at once. be prepared for overwhelm but this will help you next time you’re contemplating another purchase. ex. i *never* need another scarf – i’ve accumulated way too many over the years. wouldn’t know this if i hadn’t touched every one of them today when doing my closet reorg. oh, and have fun with it! i enjoyed reading old journals, thumbing through old photos, and reading birthday cards from seven years ago.

tonight is a photo shoot for TranquiliT’s fall line. our same sparkling model is heading in from new york AND we have a lovely maternity model who is glowing. plus a darling child model for our all-in-one for girls. all new for fall – maternity and girls! will share photos soon.

enjoy your sunday! oh, podcast coming tomorrow since beau is busy galavanting and reminiscing with old friends. xo