eco-fabulousness continues

love notes
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Back after five days of writing in the hills. Tres productive and just what the doctor ordered. Made great strides on three chapters (stages as they will be called in Tranquilista.) Long journey home with oodles of traffic including a blockade in the heart of DC’s rush hour at a busy traffic circle and a poor soul’s vehicle broken down on the bridge (not the ideal plac for a breakdown). None of which make for a speedy return! Despite the arduous journey, I’m delighted to be home with beau and pug. About to curl up on the couch to savor a fire and a documentary. My version of heaven!

Local eco-chicks: Come see TranquiliT tomorrow at the Art of Living Center, 2401 15th Street. Here’s the scoop: Live Green and the Art of Living Foundation are hosting “DC Eco-Feast”, a family friendly vegetarian potluck where DC area residents can learn easy tips for going green, and rest the mind and body through yoga, meditation and massage. Sounds fun, eh? We’ll be there 12-4!

All others: Savor some down time this weekend. Get a jump start on holiday shopping. Indulge in a yoga or dance class. Go see an art exhibit. Curl up at home. Write in your journal. Browse a bookstore. See a movie. Volunteer. Adopt an animal. Take a hot bath. Eat something decadent. Be good to yourself.